Campaigns in Fundraising

Madhya’s Gift

“Madhya’s Gift” is a new fund, set up to ensure that critically ill children in Malaysia can access quality and equitable medical care in time.

  • 0 Days left
  • 5 Backers
  • $ 26.6K Funded

Sumbangan Gotong Royong

Kami hargai kerjasama dan bantuan dari semua. Selamat menderma.

  • 0 Days left
  • 0 Backers
  • $ 0.00 Funded

Rural Medical Mobile Mission

PERTUBUHAN MISI PERUBATAN BERGERAK LUAR BANDAR, PERAK offers assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.

  • 0 Days left
  • 0 Backers
  • $ 0.00 Funded